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Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The Authority of the Believer

The Authority of the Believer


God made Adam in His likeness and image. With that single move, God exalted Man above Satan: this sparked envy in him. Due to God’s bestowal upon us: as spirit beings, we can subdue every spirit in the negative spiritual realm. As beings with a body, we are legal entities with dominion over all the creatures in this World. As beings with souls, God gave us the authority to be on a high level of intelligence, recognition and governance over all creatures on our planet.

Though God gave this Earth to Adam, but he relinquished his authority over to Satan through his disobedience during his fall in the Garden of Eden. – Genesis 3; Matthew 4:8-11.

Satan started showing his true nature (extreme wickedness) via the numerous evil occurrences happening globally each day.

Then the Almighty God took upon Himself a human body called JESUS CHRIST and entered into this World by a supernatural birth through the womb of a holy virgin girl. This He did in order to reinstate man into his original position of dominion on this Earth. – John 10: 10.


Jesus Christ took away every authority from Satan and gave them back to every of His true follower. He said in the book of Luke 10: 19. “behold I give unto you powers to tread upon scorpions and serpents and over all the powers of the enemy (Satan) and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

In Mark 16: 17-18, Jesus said, “these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and if they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

Jesus Christ said that His followers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. This is the authority to heal every form of ailments. He made this provision available to all His followers, even before dying for our sins.

“You shall speak in new tongues”. This is the various dialects of the holy Angels and sometimes human languages which you didn’t know or understand. They’re imparted by the Holy Spirit (the Holy Ghost).

As you pray in other tongues, you’ll be asking for the exact things which God wants to give you, and no devil or human being will be able to understand what you are praying for, and as such they cannot intercept it as it ascends into Heaven as invisible, thick smoke of a sacred incense from this World into the presence of the Most High God. – Psalms 141: 2; Revelation 8:4.

It’s only the increased traffic of Holy Angels to wherever you are; bringing answers to your prayers wrapped in beautiful packages that will manifest physically are the only clues to Satan and his host that you’re being promoted into the next level or healed or delivered or have received the answers to your prayers. Praying in tongues is very important to Christians!

“They shall cast out devils (that’s the power to cast out Satan, demons and all classes of evil spirits). By the authority bestowed upon us by our Lord Jesus Christ, true followers of Christ have taken over territories which were given over to Satan through demonic religions, through witchcraft, black magic and occultic practices. Even some people who live partly in towns, villages and cities; and live inside rivers, lakes, seas, graves, cohabitating with evil spirits have been set free from those bondages as true Christians prayed for them, commanding those evil spirits to get out of their spirits, souls and bodies.


Drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, homosexuals, lesbians, smokers, those who are suicide prone, etc.; have been set free as true Christians prayed for them and pleaded the Blood of JESUS CHRIST on those destructive behaviors.

“You shall take up serpents, and they’ll not harm you”. Many true Christians have had many terrifying encounters with snakes, but no harm came to them. Some were even bitten by snakes and survived it without taking any antivenom injection. Even pythons flee as soon as they see some Christians.

“If you drink any poison, it will not harm you”. Christian missionaries, evangelists and many followers of Christ have been poisoned, yet survived the ordeals. They didn’t even have any stomach pain or headaches, weakness, dizziness, bradycardia, bleeding from their mouths or nose or ears. Nothing happened to us, because we are serving the true God and have been given divine immunity.

In all these cases, those who planned the various attacks against the true followers of Christ either die soon after or they’ll openly confess to their crimes and will receive the Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. As they do, they’ll start enjoying the same divine immunity which God has made available to His true children.


More Privileges:


“Behold I am with you, even unto the end of this World. – Matthew 28: 20
No weapon formed against you shall prosper. – Isaiah 54: 17.
Anyone who comes against you shall fall for your sake. – Isaiah 54: 15.
Everything that happens to you shall turn to your advantage. – Romans 8:28
Long life is your portion. – Psalms 91: 16.
You shall be divinely exempted from every evil. – Jeremiah 25: 21.

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father will be glorified in the Son. You can ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it”.
John 14: 6‭, ‬11‭-‬14.

I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5; Deuteronomy 31: 8.
God supplies every of our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:19.

He gives us the power to get wealth. – Deuteronomy 8: 18. Every Christian who works is promised divine provisions by God.

Even during sleep paralysis when witchcraft powers and the occultists try to snuff life out of the believer, by just saying, “JESUS” in his mind destroys the dark powers oppressing him.- Philippians 2: 10- 11.

The Lord Jesus Christ said in the book of Matthew 28: 19-20. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

No witchcraft or occultic incantation, invocation, enchantment, divination, conjuration, spells, curses, hexes, or jinxes works against any true Christian.- Numbers 23: 23. The presence of Jesus Christ in our lives is the secret behind our survival in this wicked World.

Can you see that everything people are trooping into witchcraft and the occult to get, Jesus Christ has given them to all His followers with extras. Witchcraft societies and the occults demand that their members sacrifice the lives of their family members and friends but deceive them after that.

Jesus Christ sacrificed His own life in order to give a super-abundant life to every true follower of His.

In life and at death, no true Christian is ever alone. The Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ called the Holy Spirit and the Holy Angels sent from Heaven are always with us. So, no satanic entity can dare whisk us into Hell, as they do every sinner.

Yes, Christian are being persecuted in this World because we’re the only ones who are not under Satan’s dominion. We are the ones undoing all his evil plans against the human race. Whenever we pray, lots of damages occur in Satan’s kingdoms and domains. So, he instigates unbelievers against Christians. But the ultimate victory has already been given us through the death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


Choose therefore this Day whom you will serve.


Will you serve the god of this World with his temporary pleasure that’s filled with pains, heartbreaks, deception, uncertainties, poverty, sicknesses, death, sorrows and Hellfire?

Or do you want to serve the Prince of Peace (JESUS CHRIST); who loves you so much that He underwent the most brutal, torturous death just to pay for every sin you’ve ever committed and to recreate your spirit and have you adopted into the family of the Almighty God, where Satan cannot touch you?


Please choose life and reject death.


Honey, please tell me what do you think is the reason behind Christians’ tolerance of these persecutions?
It’s because besides the benefits of being followers of Christ in this world, we will be taken to Heaven to enjoy there during the worst period on Earth. called the Great Tribulation period.

There, we will spend the endless eternity living like royalties of the unimaginable order.


Please say this prayer with all your heart.
Dear Lord Jesus, please come into my life. I’m sorry for all my sins. I know You are the Son of God who died for me. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Please keep me steadfast in your grace, Amen.
Glory to God!!

Honey, you can’t run this Heavenly race alone, you need the teachings from the Holy Bible. So, join a Bible-believing Church that teaches holiness. Also, get a copy of the Holy Bible and start studying it from the book of Romans.

See you in the Kingdom of Heaven in Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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